Mustafa Emin Sahin
Office: ENB-369, (813) 974 5005
e-mail: msahin AT

Educational Background:
Ph.D.: Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL,
Dec. 2009.
M.S.: Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL,
May 2006.
B.S.: Electrical Engineering, Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey,
June 2004.
Professional Background:
Project: NTT DOCOMO USA Labs, Palo Alto, CA:
worked in the 'OFDMA Based Co-Channel Femtocell Implementation' project,
Sep. 2007 - Dec. 2009.
Project: Anritsu Company, Morgan Hill, CA:
worked in the 'MIMO Implementation of 802.16 WiMAX' project,
Sep. 2006 - Aug. 2007.
Internship: Samsung Advanced Institute of Technology (SAIT), Suwon, Korea:
worked on Gigabit Wireless Systems and 60 GHz Unlicensed Communications,
June 2006 - Aug. 2006.
Research Interests:
OFDMA-based Co-channel Femtocells
Co-channel Interference Cancellation in OFDMA
Spectrum Sensing in Cognitive Radios
Book Chapters
- Ismail Guvenc, Mustafa E. Sahin, Hisham A. Mahmoud, and Huseyin Arslan, "Deployment Modes and Interference Avoidance for Next-Generation Femtocell Networks", Book Chapter, Fixed Mobile Convergence Handbook, CRC Press, April 2010.
- H. Arslan and M.E. Sahin, "UWB-based Cognitive Radio Networks", Book Chapter, Cognitive Wireless Communication Networks, Springer, November 2007.
- H. Arslan and M.E. Sahin, "UWB Cognitive Radio", Book Chapter, Cognitive Radio, Software Defined Radio, and Adaptive Wireless Systems (Signals and Communication Technology), Springer, August 2007.
- H. Arslan and M.E. Sahin, "Narrowband Interference Issues in Ultra Wideband Systems", Book Chapter, Ultra Wideband Wireless Communication, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., August 2006.
Patent Applications
- Mustafa Emin Sahin, Ismail Guvenc, Huseyin Arslan "A Method for Iterative Interference Cancellation for Co-Channel Multi-Carrier and Narrowband Systems", U.S. Provisional Patent Application, Serial No. 61/158,155.
- Mustafa Emin Sahin, Ismail Guvenc, "A Method for User Separation for the Uplink of OFDMA Systems", U.S. Provisional Patent Application, Serial No. 61/101,290.
- Ismail Guvenc, Mustafa Emin Sahin, "A Method for Over-the-Air Blind Synchronization of Two OFDMA-based Networks for Minimizing Interference", U.S. Provisional Patent Application, Serial No. 61/092,678.
- Mustafa Emin Sahin, Huseyin Arslan, Ismail Guvenc, Moo Ryong Jeong, "OFDMA-Based Co-Channel Femtocell", U.S. Patent Application, US Patent Appl. No. 20090221295.
- Huseyin Arslan and Mustafa Emin Sahin, "Reception and Measurement of MIMO-OFDM Signals with A Single Receiver", U.S. Provisional Patent Application, Serial No. 60/934,578.
- Huseyin Arslan and Mustafa Emin Sahin, "Cognitive Ultrawideband-Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing", U.S. Patent Application, US Patent Appl. No. 20070133387.
Journal Papers
- M. E. Sahin, I. Guvenc, and H. Arslan, " An Iterative Interference Cancellation Method for Co-Channel Multicarrier and Narrowband Systems", Elsevier Physical Commun. Journal, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 13-25, Mar. 2011. (pdf)
- M. E. Sahin, I. Guvenc, and H. Arslan, " Uplink User Signal Separation for OFDMA-Based Cognitive Radios", EURASIP Journal on Advances in Signal Processing, vol. 2010, Article ID 502369, 2010. (pdf)
- M. E. Sahin, I. Guvenc, M. R. Jeong, and H. Arslan, " Handling CCI and ICI in OFDMA femtocell networks through frequency scheduling", IEEE Trans. on Consumer Electronics, vol. 55, no. 4, pp. 1936-1944, Nov. 2009. (pdf)
- M. E. Sahin, I. Guvenc, and H. Arslan, " Opportunity Detection for OFDMA-Based Cognitive Radio Systems with Timing Misalignment", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 5300-5313, Oct. 2009. (pdf)
- M.E. Sahin and H. Arslan, " MIMO-OFDMA measurements; Reception, Testing, and Evaluation of WiMAX MIMO Signals with a Single Channel Receiver", IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 58, no. 3, pp. 713-721, Mar. 2009. (pdf)
- M. E. Sahin, I. Guvenc, and H. Arslan, "Joint Parameter Estimation for UWB Energy Detectors Using OOK", Wireless Personal Communications Journal (Springer), vol. 40, no. 4, pp. 579-591, Mar. 2007. (pdf)
- H. Arslan and M. E. Sahin, "Cognitive UWB-OFDM: Pushing UWB Beyond Its Limit Via Opportunistic Spectrum Usage", Journal of Communications and Networks (Special Issue on Spectrum Resource Optimization), vol. 8, no. 2, pp. 151-157, June 2006. (pdf)
Conference Papers
- M. E. Sahin, I. Guvenc, and H. Arslan, "Iterative Interference Cancellation for Co-Channel Multicarrier and Narrowband Systems", in Proc. IEEE Wireless Commun. & Networking Conf. (WCNC), Sydney, Australia, Apr. 2010.
- I. Guvenc, S. Tombaz, M. E. Sahin, H. Arslan, and H. A. Cirpan, "ICI-Minimizing Blind Uplink Time Synchronization for OFDMA-Based Cognitive Radio Systems", in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), Honolulu, HI, Nov. 2009.
- M. E. Sahin, I. Guvenc, M. R. Jeong, and H. Arslan, "User Separation for OFDMA Uplink", in Proc. IEEE Vehic. Technol. Conf. (VTC-2009 Spring), Barcelona, Spain, Apr. 2009.
- M. E. Sahin, I. Guvenc, M. R. Jeong, and H. Arslan, "Opportunity Detection for OFDMA Systems with Timing Misalignment", in Proc. IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), New Orleans, LA, Nov. 2008.
- M. E. Sahin, H. Arslan, and D. Singh, "Reception and Measurement of MIMO-OFDM Signals with a Single Receiver", in Proc. IEEE Vehic. Technol. Conf. (VTC-2007 Fall), Baltimore, MD, Oct. 2007.
- M. E. Sahin, S. Ahmed, H. Arslan, "The Roles of Ultra Wideband in Cognitive Networks", in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Ultra-Wideband (ICUWB), Singapore, Sep. 2007 (Invited Paper).
- S. K. Yong, M. E. Sahin, and Y. H. Kim, "On the Effects of Misalignment and Angular Spread on the Beamforming Performance", in Proc. IEEE Consumer Commun. and Networking Conf. (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, Jan. 2007 (Invited Paper).
- M. E. Sahin and H. Arslan, "System Design for Cognitive Radio Communications", in Proc. Int. Conf. on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Commun. (CrownCom 2006), Mykonos Island, Greece, June 2006.
- H. Arslan and M. E. Sahin, "Cognitive UWB-OFDM: Combining Ultrawideband with Opportunistic Spectrum Usage", in Proc. IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, NJ, Mar. 2006.
- H. Celebi, M. E. Sahin, H. Arslan, J. Haque, E. R. Prado, and D. P. Markell, "Ultrawideband Design Challenges for Wireless Chip-to-Chip Communications and Interconnects", in Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conference, Big Sky, MT, Mar. 2006.
- M. E. Sahin and H. Arslan, "A Narrowband Interference Identification Approach for UWB Systems", in Proc. IEEE Military Communication Conference (MILCOM), Atlantic City, NJ, Oct. 2005.
- M. E. Sahin and H. Arslan, "Inter-symbol Interference in High Data Rate UWB Communications Using Energy Detector Receivers", in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. on Ultra-Wideband (ICU), Zurich, Switzerland, Sep. 2005.
- M. E. Sahin, I. Guvenc, and H. Arslan, "Optimization of Energy Detector Receivers for UWB Systems", in Proc. IEEE Vehic. Technol. Conf. (VTC-2005 Spring), Stockholm, Sweden, May 2005.
- M. E. Sahin, "Baseband Receiver Algorithms for 4G Co-Channel Femtocells", Ph.D. Dissertation, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, Nov. 2009.
- M. E. Sahin, "Towards the Realization of Cognitive Radio: Coexistence of Ultrawideband and Narrowband Systems", M.S. Thesis, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, Apr. 2006.
Poster Presentations
- H. Celebi, M. E. Sahin, I. Guvenc, S. Ahmed, T. S. Price and H. Arslan, "Low Complexity UWB Impulse Radio", presented in Wireless and Microwave Conf. (WAMI), Clearwater, FL, Apr. 2005.
- M. E. Sahin et al., "Energy Detector Based Ultrawideband Transceiver Design", presented in Wireless and Microwave Conf. (WAMI), Clearwater, FL, Apr. 2005.