Mehmet Kemal Ozdemir
Office: ENB-378, (813) 974 6011

Educational Background:
MS: Electrical Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, July 1998.
BS: Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Middle East
Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, May 1996.
Current Research Interests:
Channel Estimation for MIMO-OFDM Systems.
Spatial correlation in MIMO systems.
Mutual coupling effect.
Channel modelling.
Journal Papers:
- M. K. Ozdemir and H. Arslan, "Channel Estimation for Wireless MIMO-OFDM Systems" submitted to IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials", Aug. 2005.
- M. K. Ozdemir, H. Arslan, and E. Arvas, "Towards Real-Time Adaptive Low-Rank LMMSE Channel Estimation of MIMO-OFDM Systems" submitted to IEEE Trans. on Wireless Commun., Oct. 2004.
- M. K. Ozdemir, H. Arslan and E. Arvas, "Dynamics of Spatial Correlation and Implications on MIMO Systems", to appear in IEEE Commun. Mag., June 2004.
Conference Papers:
- M. K. Ozdemir, H. Arslan, and E. Arvas, "A narrowband MIMO channel model with 3-D multipath scattering," in Proc. IEEE Int. Conf. Commun., Paris, France, June 2004.
- M. K. Ozdemir, H. Arslan, and E. Arvas, "Adaptive Low-rank MIMO-OFDM Channel Estimation" in Proc. IEEE WAMI Conf., Clearwater, FL, Apr. 2004.
- M. K. Ozdemir, H. Arslan, and E. Arvas,"MIMO-OFDM channel estimation with spatial correlation," Apr. 2004, in Proc. IEEE WAMI Conf., Clearwater, FL, Apr. 2004.
- M. K. Ozdemir, H. Arslan, and E. Arvas, "On the correlation analysis of antennas in adaptive MIMO systems with 3-D multipath scattering," in Proc. IEEE Wireless Commun. and Networking Conf. (WCNC), Atlanta, GA, Mar. 2004.
- M. K. Ozdemir, H. Arslan and E. Arvas, "Mutual coupling effect in multi-antenna wireless communication," In Proc.GLOBECOM, San Francisco, USA, Dec. 2003.
- M. K. Ozdemir, H. Arslan and E. Arvas, "A mutual coupling model for MIMO systems," in Proc. IEEE Topical Conf. on Wireless Commun. Techn., Honolulu, HI, Oct. 2003.
- M. K. Ozdemir, F. Retnasothie, C. Lumbreras, and E. Arvas, "Propagation effects in a low altitude radio link for interactive services at 2.4 GHz," July 2001, presented at IEEE AP/URSI conference, Boston, MA.
- M. K. Ozdemir, F. Retnasothie, C. Lumbreras, and E. Arvas, "Feasibility of a complete 2.4 GHz wireless system for delivering interactive services over the last mile." in in Proc. World Multi-conference on Systemtics, Cybernetics, and Informatics, vol. 1, Orlando, FL, June 2001.
- M. K. Ozdemir, T.-H. Huang, and E. Arvas, "An X-band microstrip VCO with 900 MHz tuning range," in Proc. ANTEM Symp., vol. 1, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada, Aug. 2000.
- D. Worasawate, A. Ugur, M. K. Ozdemir, M. T. Buber, S. Arvas, and E. Arvas, "Simulation of microwave circuits using CAD tools," July 2000, presented at IEEE AP/URSI conference, Salt Lake City, UT.
- M. K. Ozdemir and N. G. Gencer, "A new nite element method formulation for the forward problem solution of electro-magnetic source localization," in in Proc. IEEE Eng. Med. Biology Society, vol. 1, Chicago, IL, Nov. 1997, pp. 2104--2107.