Ismail Guvenc

Office: ENB-363

Educational/Professional Background:

Since June 2006: With NTT DoCoMo USA Labs.
May 2006: Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL. (Received the USF Graduate School Outstanding Dissertation Award [1],[2],[3])
Jan. 2005-Aug. 2005: Intern at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs (MERL), Boston, MA, working on UWB Ranging for IEEE 802.15.4a standard.
Dec. 2002: M.S. in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM, Dec. 2002
May 2001: B.S. in Electrical Engineering, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.

Courses Taught:

Research Interests:

UWB Ranging
Channel Estimation for UWB systems
Multiple Accessing and Multiuser Detection in UWB Systems
Adaptive Transceiver Design for UWB Networks


Book Chapters:

  1. H. Arslan, I. Guvenc and S. Ahmed, "UWB Modulation Options", Book Chapter, Ultra Wideband Wireless Communications, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005.

Journal Papers (published/accepted):

  1. I. Guvenc, Z. Sahinoglu, P. Orlik, and H. Arslan, "Searchback Algorithms for TOA estimation in Non-Coherent Low-Rate IR-UWB Systems", to Appear in Springer Wireless Personal Communications, 2008.
  2. I Guvenc and H. Arslan, "On the Transceiver Types of IR-UWB Systems at Sub-Nyquist Sampling Rates," Springer Wireless Personal Communications, Dec. 2007.
  3. I. Guvenc and H. Arslan, "A Review on Multiple Access Interference Cancellation and Avoidance for IR-UWB", in Elsevier Signal Processing Journal, 2006.
  4. Z. Sahinoglu and I. Guvenc, "Multiuser Interference Mitigation in Non-coherent UWB Ranging via Nonlinear Filtering", in EURASIP Journal on Wireless Commun. and Networking, 2006.
  5. M. E. Sahin, I. Guvenc, and H. Arslan, "Joint Parameter Estimation for UWB Energy Detectors Using OOK", in Springer Wireless Personal Commun. Journal, 2006.
  6. I. Guvenc, Z. Sahinoglu, and P. Orlik, "TOA Estimation in IR-UWB with Different Transceiver Types", IEEE Trans. Microwave Theory and Techniques (MTT), Special Issue on Ultrawideband Communications, vol. 54, no. 4(2), pp. 1876-1886, Apr. 2006.
  7. I. Guvenc and Z. Sahinoglu, "Threshold Selection for UWB TOA Estimation Based on Kurtosis Analysis", IEEE Commun. Lett., vol. 9, no.12, pp. 1025-1027, Dec. 2005.
  8. I. Guvenc, H. Arslan, S. Gezici, and H. Kobayashi, "Adaptive multiple accessing for UWB-IR wireless sensor networks", to Appear in IEE Proceedings on Communications, 2005.
  9. I. Guvenc and H. Arslan, "TH Sequence Construction for Centralised UWB-IR Systems in Dispersive Channels ", IEE Electronics Lett., vol. 40, pp. 491-492, Apr. 2004.
  10. I. Guvenc and H. Arslan, "Performance Analysis of UWB Systems in the Presence of Timing Jitter", Journal on Commun. Networks, vol. 6, pp. 182-191, June 2004.

Conference Papers (published/accepted):

  1. I. Guvenc and H. Arslan, "Bit Error Rates of IR-UWB Transceiver Types at Sub-Nyquist Sampling Rates", in Proc. IEEE Wireless Commun. Networking Conf. (WCNC), Las Vegas, Apr. 2006.
  2. I. Guvenc and H. Arslan, "Comparison of Two Searchback Schemes for Non-Coherent TOA Estimation in IR-UWB Systems", in Proc. IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, NJ, March 2006.
  3. H. Celebi, I. Guvenc, and H. Arslan, "On the Statistics of Channel Models for UWB Ranging", in Proc. IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, Princeton, NJ, March 2006.
  4. I. Guvenc, Z. Sahinoglu, A. F. Molisch, and P. Orlik, "Non-coherent TOA Estimation in IR-UWB Networks with Different Signal Waveforms", in Proc. IEEE Int. Workshop on Ultrawideband Wireless Networks (UWBNETS), Boston, MA, Oct. 2005 (Invited Paper).
  5. I. Guvenc and Z. Sahinoglu, "Multiscale Energy Products for TOA Estimation in IR-UWB Systems", in Proc. IEEE Global Telecommun. Conf. (GLOBECOM), St. Louis, MO, Dec. 2005.
  6. I. Guvenc and Z. Sahinoglu, "TOA Estimation with Different IR-UWB Transceiver Types", in Proc. IEEE International Conf. UWB (ICU), Zurich, Switzerland, Sept. 2005.
  7. I. Guvenc and Z. Sahinoglu, "Threshold Based TOA Estimation for Impulse Radio UWB Systems", in Proc. IEEE International Conf. UWB (ICU), Zurich, Switzerland, Sept. 2005.
  8. I. Guvenc and H. Arslan, "UWB Channel Estimation with Various Sampling Rate Options", in Proc. IEEE Sarnoff Symp., Princeton, NJ, April 2005.
  9. M. E. Sahin, I. Guvenc, and H. Arslan, "Optimization of Energy Detector Receivers for UWB Systems", in Proc. IEEE Vehic. Technol. Conf. (VTC), Stockholm, Sweden, Spring 2005.
  10. I. Guvenc, H. Arslan, S. Gezici, and H. Kobayashi, "Adaptation of Multiple Access Parameters in Time Hopping UWB Cluster Based Wireless Sensor Networks", in Proc. IEEE Mobile Adhoc Sensor Systems Conf. (MASS), Fort Lauderdale, FL, October 2004.
  11. I. Guvenc and H. Arslan, "Design and Performance Analysis of TH Sequences for UWB-IR Systems", in Proc. IEEE Wireless Commun. Networking Conf. (WCNC), Atlanta, GA, Mar. 2004.
  12. I. Guvenc and H. Arslan, "Performance Evaluation of UWB Systems in the Presence of Timing Jitter", in Proc. IEEE Conf. Ultra-wideband Syst. Technol. (UWBST), Reston, Virginia, Nov. 2003.
  13. I. Guvenc and H. Arslan, "On the modulation options for UWB systems", In Proc. IEEE Conf. on Military Commun. (MILCOM), Boston, USA, Oct. 2003.
  14. I. Guvenc and H. Arslan, "A Semi-blind Channel Estimator and Multiuser Receiver for UWB Systems", In Proc. IEEE Wireless and Microwave Conf. (WAMI), Clearwater, FL, Apr. 2004.
  15. I. Guvenc, C. Abdallah, R. Jordan and O. Dedeoglu, "Enhancements to RSS Based Indoor Tracking Systems Using Kalman Filters", In Proc. Global Signal Processing Conf. (GSPx), Dallas, TX, Apr. 2003.

Poster Presentations:

  1. H. Celebi, M. E. Sahin, I. Guvenc, S. Ahmed, T. S. Price and H. Arslan, "Low Complexity UWB Impulse Radio", presented in Wireless and Microwave Conf. (WAMI), Clearwater, FL, Apr. 2005.
  2. I. Guvenc and H. Arslan, "Multiuser Transceiver Design for Time Hopping Ultrawideband Impulse Radio Systems", presented in Wireless and Microwave Conf. (WAMI), Clearwater, FL, Apr. 2004.
  3. N. Brown, J. Tucker, I. Guvenc, and H. Arslan, "A Flexible Hardware Platform for Ultra-Wideband Communication Research", presented in Wireless and Microwave Conf. (WAMI), Clearwater, FL, Apr. 2004.
  4. I. Guvenc and H. Arslan, "System Design Issues in Ultrawideband Comunications", presented in IEEE Wireless and Microwave Symp. (WAMI), Tampa, FL, Apr. 2003.


  1. Z. Sahinoglu, I. Guvenc, A. Molisch, "Method and System for Estimating Time of Arrival of Signals Using Multiple Different Time Scales", Filed, MERL Patent No:1682.
  2. A. F. Molisch, I. Guvenc, Z. Sahinoglu, "Method and Receiver for Identifying a Leading Edge Time Period in a Received Radio Signal", Filed, Merl Patent No:1715.
  3. I. Guvenc, Z. Sahinoglu, "A Method for Time of Arrival Estimation Using Kurtosis Analysis"
  4. Z. Sahinoglu, I. Guvenc, "Filtering and Multiple Hypothesis Testing for Time of Arrival Estimation"

M.S. Thesis:

Doctoral Dissertation:

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