M. Cenk Erturk
Office: ENG-252
E-mail: merturk@mail.usf.edu, erturk@bilkent.edu.tr

Dr. Erturk received his Ph.D. degree from Department of Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL, in 2012 and has been working as Chief Communication Systems Engineer in Bilkent - Meteksan Defense Inc. since 2013. From 2006 to 2009, he was with the Defense and Security Research Group in the Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK, Ankara, Turkey) where he involved several communication projects servicing to the improvement of Turkey's defense technologies and from 2009 to 2012, he was with the Japanese cellular provider NTT Docomo USA Communications Laboratories (Palo Alto, CA) where he involved system level design of future radio access systems. In addition, he has worked as part time consultant for the National Research Institute of Electronics and Cryptology for transceiver design projects. He published 10+ journal and conference papers, 3 book chapters and filed a patent application in the area of wireless communications and signal processing. His research interests include system level design of heterogeneous networks, aeronautical communication networks, and baseband signal processing in wireless communicationsEducation
- PhD. in Electrical Engineering, December 2012,
University of South Florida, College of Engineering, 33620 Tampa, FL, USA. (GPA: 4.0/4)
- M.Sc. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, September 2008,
Bilkent University, Institute of Engineering and Science, Ankara-Turkey. (GPA: 3.54/4- High honors in M.Sc. studies)
- B.Sc. in Electrical and Electronics Engineering, July 2005,
Nigde University, Faculty of Engineering, Nigde, Turkey. (GPA: 91.33/100 – First class honor, Rank 1st in College of Eng.)
- Primary, Secondary, and High School , TED Ankara College, July 2001.
- M. C. Erturk, PIC Microcontrollers Experiment, B.Sc. Thesis, June, 2005.
- M. C. Erturk, rtPS Uplink Scheduling Algorithms for IEEE 802.16 Networks, M.Sc. Thesis September 2008.
- M. C. Erturk, Tiered Networks: Modeling, Resource and Interference Management, Ph.D Dissertation October 2012.
- Y Wang, M.C. Erturk, R. Sankar, and H. Arslan, “Throughput and Delay Analysis in Aeronautical Data Networks”, in Proc. IEEE International Commun. Net. Conf. Mau (ICNC), HI, Feb. 2012.
- Y Wang, M.C. Erturk, R. Sankar, and H. Arslan, “Throughput Analysis in Aeronautical Data Networks”, in Proc. IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conf. (Wamicon), Clearwater, FL, April, 2011.
- M. C. Erturk, H. Aki, I. Guvenc, and H. Arslan, “Fair and QoS-oriented Spectrum Allocation in Macrocell-Femtocell Networks”, in Proc. IEEE Global Telecomm. Conf. (GLOBECOM), Miami, Fl, Dec., 2010.
- M. C. Erturk, I. Guvenc, and H. Arslan, “Fairness versus Capacity Trade-offs in Neighboring Femtocell Networks”, in Proc. IEEE Int. Symp. on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Comm. (PIMRC), Istanbul, Turkey, Sept., 2010.
- H. Aki, M. C. Erturk, and H. Arslan, “Dynamic Channel Allocation Schemes for Overlay Cellular Architectures”, in Proc. IEEE Wireless Telecomm. Symp. (WTS), Tampa, Fl, April, 2010.
- J. Haque, M. C. Erturk, and H. Arslan, “Doppler Estimation for OFDM based Aeronautical Data Communication”, in Proc. IEEE Wireless Telecomm. Symp. (WTS), Tampa, Fl, April, 2010.
- M. C. Erturk, J. Haque, and H. Arslan, “Challenges in Aeronautical Data Networks”, in Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conf., Big Sky, Montana, March, 2010.
- M. C. Erturk, and N. Akar, “rtPS Uplink Scheduling Algorithms for IEEE 802.16 Networks”, in Proc. Int. Symp. on Comp. Net. (ISCN), Istanbul, Turkey, June, 2008.
- M. C. Erturk, J. Haque, W. Moreno, and H. Arslan, “Doppler Mitigation in OFDM-based Aeronautical Communications”, accepted IEEE Trans. on Aero. and Elect., Feb., 2013.
- M. C. Erturk, S. Mukherjee, H. Ishii, and H. Arslan, “Distributions of Transmit Power and SINR in Device-to-Device Networks”, IEEE Commun. Lett. Jan., 2013.
- M. C. Erturk, I. Guvenc, S. Mukherjee, and H. Arslan, " Fair and QoS-oriented Resource Management in Heneregeneous Networks", EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking, no 1, pp.1-14, May, 2013.
- J. Haque, M. C. Erturk, H. Arslan, “Aeronautical Cognitive Data Networks”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking (IJITN), Aug., 2011.
- J. Haque, M. C. Erturk, H. Arslan, “ICI Analysis and Parametric Doppler Estimation in Aeronautical OFDM”, IEEE Commun. Lett., Aug., 2011.
- H. Aki, M. C. Erturk, H. Arslan, “Fractional Reuse Partitioning Schemes for Overlay Cellular Architectures”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking (IJITN), Nov., 2010.
- M. C. Erturk, I. Guvenc, S. Mukherjee, and H. Arslan, “Spectrum Assignment and Fairness in Femtocell Networks”, Book chapter, “Small Cell Networks: Deployment, PHY Techniques and Resource Management" Book edited by: Tony Q.S. Quek, Guillaume de la Roche, Ismail Guvenc, and Marios Kountouris, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
- M. C. Erturk, H. Arslan, “Signal Separation for Cognitive Wireless Communications”, Book chapter, “Cognitive Radio and its Applications for Next Generation Cellular and Wireless Networks”, Book edited by: Dr. Hrishikesh Venkataraman and Dr. Gabriel-Miro Muntean, Springer, 2012.
- M. C. Erturk, J. Haque, H. Arslan, “Aeronautical Data Networks”, Book chapter, "Aeronautics", ISBN: 978-953-307-231-9. Book edited by: Prof. Max Mulder, Technical University Delft, Netherlands. InTech, 2011.
- M. C. Erturk, I. Guvenc, and F. Watanabe, “A Method For Frequency Splitting For Dedicated Channel Macrocell And Femtocell Networks”, United States patent application Serial No. 61/318,698, on March 29, 2010.
Thesis and Dissertation:
Conference papers:
Journal papers:
Book Chapters: