Hasari Celebi
Office: ENB-380B
Phone: (813) 974-4783
e-mail: hcelebi AT mail.usf.edu

Educational Background:
PhD: Electrical Engineering, University of South Florida, Tampa, Florida, USA, August 2008.
MS: Electrical Engineering, San Jose State University , San Jose, California, USA, May 2004.
BS: Electronics and Communications Engineering, Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul, Turkey, June 2000.
Research Interests:
Location and Environment Awareness in Cognitive Systems
Cognitive Wireless Networks
Software Defined Radio Architectures
WiMAX Radio Transceivers
UWB Communications and Positioning
UWB Transceiver Structures
Instructor: EEL4102: Linear Systems Analysis (Summer 2008).
Instructor: EEL4512: Introduction to Communication Systems (Spring 2008).
TA: DSP/FPGA Lab for Software Defined Radio (Spring 2005).
Book Chapters
- H. Arslan and H. Celebi, "Location Information Management Systems for Cognitive Wireless Networks", in "Cognitive Radio, Software Defined Radio, and Adaptive Wireless Systems", Springer, Sept. 2007.
- H. Arslan and H. Celebi, "Software Defined Radio Architectures for Cognitive Radios", in "Cognitive Radio, Software Defined Radio, and Adaptive Wireless Systems", Springer, Sept. 2007.
Journal Papers
- H. Celebi, H. Arslan, "Cognitive Positioning Systems", IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, vol. 6, no. 12, pp.4475-4483, Dec. 2007. (ieeexplore)
- H. Celebi, H. Arslan, "Utilization of Location Information in Cognitive Wireless Networks", IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine-Special Issue on Cognitive Wireless Networks, vol. 14, no. 4, pp. 6-13, Aug. 2007 (ieeexplore).
- H. Celebi, H. Arslan, "Ranging Accuracy in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks", IEEE Communications Letters, vol. 11, no. 5, pp. 405-407, May 2007 (ieeexplore).
- H. Celebi, H. Arslan, "Cross-Modulation Interference and Mitigation Technique for Ultrawideband PPM Signaling ", IEEE Trans. on Vehicular Technology, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 847-858, March 2008 (ieeexplore).
- H. Celebi, H. Arslan, "Enabling Location and Environment Awareness in Cognitive Radios", Elsevier Computer Communications-Special Issue on Advanced Location-Based Services, vol. 31, no. 6, pp. 1114-1125, April 2008.
- S. Gezici, H. Celebi, H. Vincent Poor, H. Arslan, "Fundamental Limits on Time Delay Estimation in Dispersed Spectrum Cognitive Radio Systems", to appear in IEEE Trans. on Wireless Communications, 2008.
Conference Papers
- S. Gezici, H. Celebi, H. Arslan, H. Vincent Poor, "Theoretical Limits on Time Delay Estimation for Ultra-Wideband Cognitive Radios", (Invited Paper) to appear in IEEE International Conference on UWB (ICUWB), Hannover, Germany, 2008.
- H. Celebi, H. Arslan, "Adaptive Positioning Systems for Cognitive Radios", IEEE Symposium on New Frontiers in Dynamic Spectrum Access Networks (DySpan), April 17-20, p. 78-84, 2007, Dublin, Ireland(ieeexplore).
- F.E. Retnasothie, M. K. Ozdemir, T. Yucek, J. Zhang, H. Celebi, R. Muththaiah, "Wireless IPTV over WiMAX: Challenges and Applications" (Invited Paper), IEEE Wireless and Microwave Technology Conference(WAMICON) 2006, 4-5 Dec. 2006, Clearwater, FL, USA (ieeexplore).
- H. Celebi, I. Guvenc, and H. Arslan, "On the Statistics of Channel Models for UWB Ranging", to appear in IEEE Sarnoff Symposium, 27-28 March 2006, Princeton, New Jersey, USA (PDF).
- H. Celebi, M. E. Sahin, H. Arslan, J. Haque, E. R. Prado, D. P. Markell, "Ultrawideband Design Challenges for Wireless Chip-to-Chip Communications and Interconnects", in Proc. IEEE Aerospace Conference, 4-11 March 2006, Big Sky, Montana, USA(ieeexplore).
- H. Celebi, H. Arslan, "A Data-Aided Timing Acquisition For Pulse Position Modulated UWB Signals", in Proc. IEEE International Conference on Ultra-wideband (ICU), Zurich, Switzerland, 2005, pp. 344-348(ieeexplore).
- H. Celebi, H. Arslan, "Cross-Modulation Interference For Pulse Position Modulated UWB Signals", in Proc. IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), Atlantic City, New Jersey, 2005, USA, pp.1-7(ieeexplore).
Conference Poster Presentations
- H. Celebi,H. Arslan, "Location Awareness and Its Applications in Cognitive Wireless Networks", in IEEE Wireless and Microwave Conf., Clearwater, FL, Dec. 2006.
- H. Celebi, M. E. Sahin, I. Guvenc, S. Ahmed, T. S. Price, H. Arslan, "Low Complexity UWB Impulse Radio", presented in IEEE Wireless and Microwave Conf. (WAMI), Clearwater, FL, Apr. 2005.
- H. Celebi, M. E. Sahin, D. P. Markell, N. Brown, H. Arslan, T. S. Price, S. Ahmed, P. Satchell, J. Haque, J. Ramos, "Energy Detector Based Ultrawideband Transceiver Design", presented in IEEE Wireless and Microwave Conf., Clearwater, FL, Apr. 2005.
- H. Celebi, Y. Zhang, R. Sankar and H. Arslan, "DSP/FPGA Laboratory for Software Defined Radio", Symposium on 21st Century Teaching Technologies and Vendor Expositions, Tampa, FL, March 2005.
- H. Celebi and H. Arslan, ``Cognitive Radio Transceiver for Dispersed Spectrum Utilization'', U.S. Provisional Patent Application, USF Ref. No. 08A009R, Feb., 2008.
- H. Celebi and H. Arslan, ``Cognitive Positioning Systems'', U.S. Provisional Patent Application, USF Ref. No. 07A007PR, Jan., 2007.
Professional Background:
May 16-August 12, 2005: Worked for Logus Broadband Wireless Solutions Inc., Tampa, FL. Research and Development of Radio Layer for IEEE 802.16d/e (WMAN) standard and WiMAX forum.